Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Welcome to CU Communicator!

Greetings fellow travelers!

Welcome to CU Communicator, a blog designed to share information about the creative ways in which credit unions are getting the word out about the value credit unions bring to consumers! As most CU marketers and PR types know, there's not a lot of money in the budget for advertising. To be successful, credit union types have to be creative ... or to drop a cliche' ... we have to think outside the box.

Hopefully, the information in this blog will help us all get outside the box.

We'll do a little spotlight on CU ad campaigns, but most of our focus will involve credit unions and "earned" media (the stuff that makes your credit union look good, and doesn't cost anything).

Your humble servant is located in NC, so our posts will revolve around what's happening in the Tar Heel State. But whether you live in Raleigh or Reno, Wilmington or Waukegan ... feel free to share your own ideas and ask questions!
